In a world which allows for unprecedented encounters and exchange on a global scale, Amudim is a cutting-edge Shana ba-Aretz experience that opens exciting intellectual and spiritual horizons by offering:

• An innovative style which empowers each student to bring her own voice to Torah learning.

• Seamless harmonization of traditional and modern scholarship.

• A strong focus on methodology - a toolbox for lifelong independent Torah study.

• The Land of Israel itself as a Beit Midrash, with weekly classes taking place off-campus -

at museums, Israeli colleges, Jerusalem sites, and more.

• Special weekly seminars which introduce students to the eclectic world of Jewish scholarship that exists exclusively in Israel.

• Honest conversation about essential and existential issues such as the existence of God and free will, the afterlife, problem of evil, composition of Torah texts, and interaction between Judaism and modern values.

• One-of-a-kind tiyulim, internships, and extracurriculars that bring our values to life.

• A warm thoughtful environment that inspires steadfast Shmirat ha-Mitzvot and love of Torah.